Paper Selections:

Review process was delayed due to some faltering reviews. In the end, those papers with lesser than regular number of reviews were scrutinized by two meta-reviewers. The meta-reviewers read existing reviews and skimmed through the paper in passing a judgement as to its acceptance and category. Due to lack of sufficient time, their reviews were not recorded using the template as in the case of the regular reviews but only the outcome was recorded. As of 17 April 2007, all submissions have been evaluated and selection / rejection decisions have been intimated to the contact authors. If you are an author of a SIN 2007 paper and have not yet received the notification, please contact  the Conference Chair.

Important Note:

In the case of "Short Paper" category, the submission site uses the term "Poster" which may cause confusion; SIN Conf does not have poster category. The notification e-mail clarified that a short paper is of at most 5 pages long, it will be presented by its author in a regular session in the conference and it will be included in the conference proceeding provided an author registers on time.

Camera-Ready Paper Submission:

Please proceed as indicated in the notification e-mail.


The following material pertains to Call for Proposals and as proposal submission due date has passed this is for the record.

All submitted papers will be reviewed by the International Program Committee according to its originality, significance, correctness, presentation, and relevance.

SIN '07 Conference will publish hardcopy proceedings under an ISBN number. Negotiation is progressing satisfactorily with a major international scientific publisher for production of the SIN 2007 Proceedings. [Update on Proceedings: ref. Proceeding menu tab.]

Paper format is as in LNCS proceedings. Format for Word is downloadable from this URL.
Paper Submission:

Paper submission is closed and review process is to start soon. Late submission may be possible; please contact the Conference Chair.

To Propose a Tutorial:

To Propose a Workshop: