To propose a workshop please contact Workshop Chair.


SIN 2007- International Conference on Security of Information and Networks,
May 8-10, 2007, Gazimagusa (TRNC), North Cyprus.

SIN 2007 invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with SIN 2007-International Conference on Security of Information and Networks. The workshop proposal theme should be closely related to the conference ( topics.

The workshop program will focus on new research challenges and initiatives. The goal of the workshop is to provide opportunities for researchers to present their work and obtain feedback from an interested community. Workshop organizers are responsible for establishing a program committee, collecting and evaluating submissions, notifying authors of acceptance or rejection in due time, and ensuring a transparent and fair selection process, organizing selected papers into sessions, and assigning session chairs. Workshops proceedings will be included in the conference proceedings.

Some guidelines: Each workshop proposal should clearly indicate its strength and usefulness and how it complements conference theme. It is expected that a proposal should provide a better insight into the proposed topics compared to what is covered in conference presentations.

Workshop proposals should be submitted to the workshop chair and it should include the following.

- Workshop title
- Workshop description with justification
- Workshop organizer(s) full name, contact points, and organizations
- Proposed duration (select one: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 sessions; 1 session=90 minutes)

Prior discussion with the workshop chair about the intention to submit a proposal is highly encouraged. Please contact with the workshop chair, Justin Zhan (justinzh [at] by January 15, 2007. Every submitted workshop proposal will be reviewed by expert reviewers. The organizers of the accepted workshop proposal are responsible for promoting and advertising the workshop with proper reference to SIN 2007 Conference.


Submission Deadline: Workshop Proposals:
Mar 1, '07 (extended)
Proposal Acceptance Notification:
Mar 3, '07 (extended)
Workshop Paper Submission:
Mar 23, '07 (ext'd)
Workshop Paper Acceptance Notification: March 19, 2007
Workshop Paper Camera-Ready (Final Manuscript): April 5, 2007