SIN2011 is an international event on security of information and networks which will be held in Australia for the first time.
Cyber security (of information and networks) is critical for the functioning of ICT infrastructure, and therefore it is getting a lot of
traction in the government circles (see: http://www.dsd.gov.au/partners/cybersecurity.htm).
SIN 2011 will provide a timely opportunity to enterprises to advertise and promote their businesses,
services, and products. It will also provide an opportunity to meet, and establish connections
with, researchers and practitioners of security from both Australia and overseas, as well as
some our best and most talented postgraduate students working in security and related technologies.
Standard sponsorship packages are described in more detail below.
Under the Platinum package, it is also possible to direct sponsorship to certain programs of the conference (such as keynote speeches, reception, banquet, conference proceedings).
Special sponsorship packages can also be developed depending on the specific needs and preferences (for instance, these could include direct sponsorship of the costs of the conference attendance of postgraduate students, organizing additional social events / excursions and so on).
Bronze ($1,500 - $2,999)
- name & logo on the conference website, call for papers, programme & proceedings,
- inclusion of promotional material and/or free products in the conference bags (1 insert),
- 1 complimentary registration at the conference (includes participation in all conference sessions, workshops and tutorials; conference banquet, reception)
- all sponsor participants will benefit from discounted registration for the conference at the student rates (representing 33% discount over regular registration)
Silver ($3,000 - $4,999)
- name & logo on the conference website, call for papers, programme & proceedings,
- name & logo at a prominent place at the conference venue,
- inclusion of promotional material and/or free products in the conference bags (2 inserts),
- 1 complimentary registration at the conference (includes participation in all conference sessions, workshops and tutorials; conference banquet, reception)
- 1 additional complimentary pass to conference reception
- 1 additional complimentary pass to conference banquet
- all sponsor participants will benefit from discounted registration for the conference at the student rates (representing 33% discount over regular registration)
Gold ($5,000 - $7,499)
- name & logo on the conference website, call for papers, programme & proceedings,
- name & logo at a prominent place at the conference venue,
- inclusion of promotional material and/or free products in the conference bags (2 inserts),
- 2 complimentary registrations at the conference (includes participation in all conference sessions, workshops and tutorials; conference banquet, reception)
- 2 additional complimentary passes to conference reception
- 2 additional complimentary passes to conference banquet
- all sponsor participants will benefit from discounted registration for the conference at the student rates (representing 33% discount over regular registration)
- tool / product demonstrations at a special session (subject to the constraints of the conference facilities)
- list of conference participants (after the conference)
- a named best paper award presented by the sponsor at the conference banquet (maximum of 4 awards will be given)
Platinum - Standard ($7,500+)
- name & logo on the conference website, call for papers, programme & proceedings,
- name & logo at a prominent place at the conference venue,
- inclusion of promotional material and/or free products in the conference bags (3 inserts),
- 3 complimentary registrations at the conference (includes participation in all conference sessions, workshops and tutorials; conference banquet, reception)
- 3 additional complimentary passes to conference reception
- 3 additional complimentary passes to conference banquet
- all sponsor participants will benefit from discounted registration for the conference at the student rates (representing 33% discount over regular registration)
- tool / product demonstrations at a special session (subject to the constraints of the conference facilities)
- list of conference participants (after the conference)
- a named best paper award presented by the sponsor at the conference banquet (maximum of 4 awards will be given)
- directed sponsorship of (one of) an industry special session or a workshop or a tutorial on a focussed area
Platinum - Keynote ($7,500+)
- name & logo on the conference website, call for papers, programme & proceedings,
- name & logo at a prominent place at the conference venue,
- inclusion of promotional material and/or free products in the conference bags (3 inserts),
- 3 complimentary registrations at the conference (includes participation in all conference sessions, workshops and tutorials; conference banquet, reception)
- 3 additional complimentary passes to conference reception
- 3 additional complimentary passes to conference banquet
- all sponsor participants will benefit from discounted registration for the conference at the student rates (representing 33% discount over regular registration)
- tool / product demonstrations at a special session (subject to the constraints of the conference facilities)
- list of conference participants (after the conference)
- directed sponsorship of an international or industry keynote speaker (maximum of 5 speakers)
Platinum - Reception ($7,500+)
There will be only 1 package.
- name & logo on the conference website, call for papers, programme & proceedings,
- name & logo at a prominent place at the conference venue & the reception venue,
- name & logo on invitation cards for the reception,
- inclusion of promotional material and/or free products in the conference bags (3 inserts),
- 3 complimentary registrations at the conference (includes participation in all conference sessions, workshops and tutorials; conference banquet, reception)
- 3 additional complimentary passes to conference reception
- 3 additional complimentary passes to conference banquet
- all sponsor participants will benefit from discounted registration for the conference at the student rates (representing 33% discount over regular registration)
- tool / product demonstrations at a special session (subject to the constraints of the conference facilities)
- list of conference participants (after the conference)
- directed sponsorship of conference reception
Platinum - Banquet ($10,000+)
There will be only 1 package.
- name & logo on the conference website, call for papers, programme & proceedings,
- name & logo at a prominent place at the conference venue & banquet venue,
- name & logo on invitation cards for the banquet,
- inclusion of promotional material and/or free products in the conference bags (3 inserts),
- 5 complimentary registrations at the conference (includes participation in all conference sessions, workshops and tutorials; conference banquet, reception)
- 5 additional complimentary passes to conference reception
- 5 additional complimentary passes to conference banquet
- all sponsor participants will benefit from discounted registration for the conference at the student rates (representing 33% discount over regular registration)
- tool / product demonstrations at a special session (subject to the constraints of the conference facilities)
- list of conference participants (after the conference)
- directed sponsorship of conference banquet
Platinum - Proceedings ($10,000+)
There will be only 1 package.
- name & logo on the conference website, call for papers, programme & proceedings,
- name & logo at a prominent place at the conference venue,
- inclusion of promotional material and/or free products in the conference bags (3 inserts),
- special acknowledgement of the sponsor in the conference proceedings,
- 5 complimentary registrations at the conference (includes participation in all conference sessions, workshops and tutorials; conference banquet, reception)
- 5 additional complimentary passes to conference reception
- 5 additional complimentary passes to conference banquet
- all sponsor participants will benefit from discounted registration for the conference at the student rates (representing 33% discount over regular registration)
- tool / product demonstrations at a special session (subject to the constraints of the conference facilities)
- list of conference participants (after the conference)
- directed sponsorship of conference proceedings