Room Coordinator Instructions

Smile and be nice to all the presenters and session chairs. They are doing their best.

Read the presenter instructions

Presentation Guidelines

and the session chair instructions

Session Chair Instructions

before you read the rest of these instructions.

  • The Session Sheet and Session Report for your day and room can be collected from the registration desk in the break before the session.
  • Meet your session chair in the session room 10 minutes before the start of the session and give them the session sheet and take the session report sheet.
    • If the session chair does not show up come to the registration desk and we will get a replacement session chair for the session.
  • On-Site presenters must use the conference laptop so the on-line sessions work – no exceptions.
    • The conference laptop is the host for the rooms Zoom session
    • The laptop is pre-logged in with the screen saver and sleep functions disabled
    • The laptop is pre-logged in for Zoom
    • All its details are on a sticker on the laptop (just in case).
  • Meet the presenters in the session room 20 minutes before the session and load their presentations into the appropriate folder on the room laptop.
    • Use the USB port on the right hand side of the laptop.
    • Do not unplug the AV dongle.
    • If you remove the Logitech Presenter dongle make sure you plug the Logitech Presenter dongle back in when you have finished
  • Leave the folder for the presentation open on the desktop
  • Make sure Zoom is running and sharing the whole screen
  • Make sure the Zoom mic is unmuted (Zoom button) so the presentation goes out on Zoom.
  • Inform the session chair if any of the presenters is missing.
  • When the session starts:
    • The session chair should introduce the session and the speakers and keep the session to time.
    • Do not jump papers if there is no presenter, have a break and resume at the nominated time for the next paper.
    • When a presentation is finished the session chair will ask for questions. Delegates should raise their hand to ask a question. When the session chair nominates a questioner take the wireless mic to them so everyone in the session and on zoom can hear the question.
    • Zoom questions will come out on the audio
    • Make sure the presenter answers all questions into the microphone so the on-line audience can hear.
    • When questions are finished help the next presenter to get ready then get the presenter who just finished to sign-off on the session report confirming the presentation took place.
    • If the presenter does not show up write NO SHOW in large letters in the signature area of the session report for that paper.
    • Do not jump papers if there is no presenter, have a break and resume at the nominated time for the next paper.
  • At the end of the session
    • Return the wireless mic to the session chairs table
    • Delete all the presentation for that session from the laptop
    • Take the chair’s session sheet and your session report to registration.