Invited Talks

The main theme of SIN 2009 is Intelligent Systems for Information Assurance, Security, and Public Policy in the Age of e-Euphoria. Conference main theme will be supported by the following keynote papers and talks:

=> Vijay VARADHARAJAN-- Professor and Microsoft Chair in Innovation in Computing, and Director of Information and Networked System Security Research, Macquarie University, Australia.
    Talk: "Evolution and Challenges in Trust and Security in Information System Infrastructures". Abstract.

=> Elisa BERTINO-- Professor of computer science and Research Director of the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security at Purdue University, USA.
     Talk: "Assured Information Sharing - Concepts and Research Issues". Abstract.

=> Erdal CAYIRCI -- Professor, NATO JWC & University of Stavanger, Norway.

     Talk: "Deployed Sensor Networks and Their Security Challenges in Practice". Abstract.


=> Sorin Alexander HUSS -- Professor & Director CASED Research Center for IT Security, Darmstadt, Germany.

     Talk: "Embedded Systems for IT Security Applications: Properties and Design Considerations". Abstract.

Bart PRENEEL-- Professor and Head of Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography (COSIC) at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, regrets inability to attend.